In the Education Centre of our website you will find the Training Stream section. It is designed as a program for you and your staff to learn or refine sandcarving skills. Sandcarving is simple to do once you follow the effective steps and the Training Stream section takes you from artwork to packing the order.
People need training and people respond well to documented training but it is time consuming to prepare, and many small businesses just don’t have the time to create their own training documents. So we have created this 11 step training system to teach your staff and you the fundamentals of sandcarving. It is designed to step through the processes and teach efficiencies along the way. No matter if you have been sandcarving for years or you are just starting out, the ProBlast Sandcarvers Training Stream has something for everyone.
You can print out the documents and go through the steps with your staff to ensure understanding and effective learning takes place. Anyone studying and following the procedures laid out in the Training Stream will quickly become a great Sandcarver.