CNC Dustless AutoBlaster Efficiencies

Taking on Automated Stone Engraving in your business provides you with a range of efficiency advantages and improves your businesses health and safety performance.

 Since Covid businesses across the entire world are seeking out process improvement efficiencies to counter rising costs and labour shortages. Continuous Improvement is the buzz word in this fast changing business environment.  The future for all businesses in all industries is to optimise business operations in all areas and starting with the biggest labour process is a great place to start.

The CNC AutoBlaster in your business will improve your production process by automating what has traditionally been done by a laborious and dirty method and provide you with a tool that gets consistent depth every time. With no manual skills necessary, the AutoBlaster is simple to operate so you have a wider pool of labour to choose from and while it is blasting away automatically your team can be working away at other tasks in your workplace. Reducing the labour and skill demand has a twofold effect on your bottom line. You are setting up an opportunity for a different labour skill set for the future and you are making the role more attractive by removing the container style blasting for much of your work. Your team will be so grateful for the big change in their workday. In fact as time goes by you'll be a company that attracts experienced industry people because of your business operation methods.

In regards to health and safety the AutoBlaster makes a dramatic improvement to any business by reducing the amount of airborne dust in the air, reduce operator fatigue and dangers of accidents due to manual blasting. It is the way of the future for all stone engraving businesses on their journey to WHS compliance. Our very first CNC installment and training day was in Melbourne and after arriving withing 30 minutes we were running the first headstone with the businesses two sandblast engravers looking on in  awe. They were witnessing the first day of the rest of their work life and could not quite believe it. Now when I callup the company to see how things are going they are loving the transformation in the work day and the business model.

It is really easy to implement a CNC Dustless AutoBlaster in your business and make great strides forward in business technology and operations. Talk to us today about helping you take the plunge into the future of stone engraving.

See it in Action Here  See all Features Here